Natalie Beyer

Natalie joined Cole Mill Road when she was a child. Her father, Bob Jones helped start the Cole Mill Road Church of Christ and was a former elder. Natalie is an active community volunteer and advocate for equity and excellence in public education. She has served as a Board Member on the Durham Public Schools Board of Education since 2010. Natalie became an elder at CMR in 2024.
Evelyn Cameron

Has been a member of the congregation since 1979; appointed as an elder in 2019; works with the non-profit organization The Fuller Institute (TFI) which helps women of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds to embrace their God-given gifts and talents through annual prayer retreats and other events and activities; once wanted to be a nun after seeing them as a child at a hospital and believing they were angels.
Neil Clay

Became a member here in 2004; was appointed elder in 2011; serves as elementary school principal with Durham Public Schools; member of Trout Unlimited and High Peaks Trail Association; captain of his college soccer team and is known as “Captain” by his principal friends.
Charles Holton

Has been a part of the congregation since 1970; was appointed an elder in 1991; Law Professor at Duke Law School; Director of Duke Civil Justice Clinic (which provides free civil legal services to the poor in our community); operates Durham Eviction Diversion program to help tenants avoid eviction and maintain stable households; President of CARIS Foundation, which is a non-profit organization providing financial assistance to those in need, both in N.C. and internationally; enjoys reading science fiction and history, travel and spending time with grandkids.
Luke Smith

Became a member in 2000 prior to starting medical school at UNC; was appointed as elder in 2019; Spanish-bilingual psychiatrist; founder and executive director of El Futuro, a nonprofit behavioral health agency offering outpatient services to the Latino population in the Piedmont region of North Carolina; in 2017 initiated the NC Latino Mental Health Provider Network (La Mesita) with members across the state of North Carolina; is addicted to popcorn and potato chips and plays the harmonica.
Tim Wood

Joined the congregation in 1989; appointed as elder in 2006; sees his occupation as an important way to minister to the community as he meets many people every day from different walks of life and in different circumstances and tried to be the hands and feet of Jesus to all of them; not knowing anything ever about music his entire life he has just started learning to play the guitar.